Fantastic article, thanks for writing. One thing I am curious about is that many crossings into NYC already have a toll (e.g., Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Queens Midtown Tunnel)
I wonder how much reduction in traffic we will see here vs. free crossings like the Brooklyn Bridge. I wouldn’t be surprised if the currently-free crossings saw a greater decline in traffic. It will be a fascinating economic experiment!
Yes there wouldn't be a demand discontinuity for that traffic, or for any trip that pays a toll already. It follows that the effect will be less dramatic in NYC than elsewhere, although it will still exist.
Fantastic article, thanks for writing. One thing I am curious about is that many crossings into NYC already have a toll (e.g., Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Queens Midtown Tunnel)
I wonder how much reduction in traffic we will see here vs. free crossings like the Brooklyn Bridge. I wouldn’t be surprised if the currently-free crossings saw a greater decline in traffic. It will be a fascinating economic experiment!
Yes there wouldn't be a demand discontinuity for that traffic, or for any trip that pays a toll already. It follows that the effect will be less dramatic in NYC than elsewhere, although it will still exist.